PMA Podcast

PMA Podcast Episode 65 - Associate Professor Kristen Warner

Transcript of Episode 65

In this episode, Jessie and Chris met with Associate Professor Kristen Warner to discuss her recent experience at the Sundance Film Festival, her deep appreciation of film in its various genres, and how her experiences influence her approach to teaching film classes here in the Department of Performing and Media Arts.

PMA Podcast · Episode 65- Kristen Warner


PMA Podcast Episode 64 - Student Film Screenings Fall 2024

Transcript of Episode 64

In this episode, Jessie and Chris met with Associate Professor Jeffrey Palmer and Lecturer Doorim Kim to discuss the upcoming Student Film Screening. This event will include student projects from Film and Video Production, Documentary Film Making, Cinematography and Visual Storytelling, as well as Media Production Laboratory.

PMA Podcast · Ep 64 -Student Film Screenings Fall 2024


PMA Podcast Episode 63 - Share In / Share Out

Transcript of Episode 63

In this episode, we welcome engineering major and film minor, Jessie Jia as a co-host on the show, Jessie and Chris Christensen met with assistant professor of the practice, Danielle Russo and visiting lecturer Olive Prince, to explore the many aspects of PMA's upcoming dance event. Share In / Share Out, end of semester PMA dance showcase. Share In / Share Out, is a showcase of predominantly student devised dance works, specifically featuring Cornellians in the PMA dance studio courses this semester. This compilation of projects and portfolios is a part of MOVING FORWARD, new futurism in installation, intermedia, interactive and immersive dance.

PMA Podcast · Ep 63 - Share In Share Out: End-of-Semester PMA Dance Showcase


PMA Podcast Episode 62 - Orlando's Gift

Transcript of Episode 62

In this episode we take a deep dive into PMA’s upcoming production of Orlando's Gift written and directed by Professor David Feldshuh. On rare occasion we take a different approach with an episode, remove the standard back and forth conversation, and capture a poetic narrative from our guest. Please take a moment to sit back, relax, and enjoy the words of David Feldshuh as he describes his upcoming production from its inception to present.

PMA Podcast · Ep 62 - Orlando's Gift


PMA Podcast Episode 61 - BIOphelia

Transcript of Episode 61

In this episode, Christopher Christensen, IT Support, meets with Associate Professor Jessica M. Rosenberg (Literatures in English) and Cornell senior Tess Lovell to discuss BIOphelia: A Performance Infused Scholarship Symposium. The two part event will incorporate student-centered practice-based-research, performance workshops, scholar-led discussions, and communal engagement.

PMA Podcast · Ep 61 - BIOphelia


Episode 60 - Carolyn Michelle Smith, Visiting Lecturer

Transcript of Episode 60

In this episode Chris met with actress, educator, and producer Carolyn Michelle Smith, to discuss her recent arrival at Cornell and what she envisions for her classes here in PMA for the 2024 – 2025 academic year. Carolyn is currently starring in the Paramount Plus award winning series “The Chi” (seasons 5 &6) as well as the forthcoming Season 3 of the HBO Max series “And Just Like That”. You may also know Carolyn from her TV roles in "Russian Doll", "House of Cards", "Law and Order", "Luke Cage", "How to Get Away with Murder", "The Oath", "Notorious", and "Cherish the Day".

PMA Podcast · Ep 60- Carolyn Michelle Smith


Episode 59 - Nick Embree, Visiting Associate Professor

Transcript of Episode 59

In this episode, Christopher Christensen meets with Visiting Associate Professor Nick Embree to explore his journey as a theater and film set designer, which includes over 150 professional productions.

PMA Podcast · Ep 59 - Nick Embree


Episode 58 - Honors Film Screening with Kenny Aune '24, Director of Doomscroll

Transcript of Episode 58

In this episode, Chris and Leah met with student director and filmmaker, Kenny Aune '24, to discuss his honors thesis film, Doomscroll.

PMA Podcast · Ep 58 - Kenny Aune - Doomscroll


Episode 57 - Honors Film Screening with Peter Levine '24, Director of Remembering Colin Stall

Transcript of Episode 57

In this episode, Chris and Leah met with student director and filmmaker, Peter Levine '24, to discuss his honors scholar film, Remembering Colin Stall.

PMA Podcast · Ep 57 - Peter Levine - Remembering Colin Stall


Episode 56 - 2024 Annual Spring Dance Presenting Series

Transcript of Episode 56

In this episode, Leah and Chris met with Assistant Professor of the Practice Danielle Russo and visiting lecturer Olive Prince to discuss the 2024 Annual Spring Dance Presenting Series.

PMA Podcast · Episode 56 - 2024 Annual Spring Dance Presenting Series


Episode 55 - The Alien Commons with Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz

Transcript of Episode 55

In this episode, Leah and Chris welcome back PMA assistant professor Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz to discuss PMA’s upcoming event, The Alien Commons: Dance and Performance Beyond Citizenship.
The Alien Commons is a two-day event bringing together seminal artists making performances related to themes of borders, citizenship, and (im)migration—both legal and “illegal.” Featured artists include Tanya Aguiñiga, Zoë Klein, Gabriel Mata, and Liliana Gomez. Activities include an artist symposium and performance showcase.

PMA Podcast · Episode 55 - The Alien Commons


Episode 54 - Stupid F##king Bird with Fannie Massarsky

Transcript of Episode 54

In this episode, Chris and Leah met with actor, director, and senior psychology and PMA major Fannie Massarsky to discuss her senior thesis and upcoming production of Aaron Posner’s Stupid F##king Bird.

PMA Podcast · Episode 54 - Stupid F##king Bird w/Fannie Massarsky


Episode 53 - Andrew Deppen & Alexa Alfonsi

Transcript of Episode 53

In this episode, Chris and Leah met with production manager Andrew Deppen and production stage manager Alexa Alfonsi to discuss their recent arrivals here in Ithaca, what inspired them to work in their field and the emerging synergy between them as they prepare for upcoming stage, film, and dance productions in the 2024 spring semester.

PMA Podcast · Episode 53 - Andrew Deppen & Alexa Alfonsi

Episode 52 - Alex ArbitalJacoby

Transcript of Episode 52

In this episode, Leah Ingalls, a junior in PMA major, met with recent Cornell graduate Alex ArbitalJacoby to discuss his time as a student at Cornell, his experiences in the Department of Performing and Media Arts, and to shine some light on his post graduation plans in New York City.

PMA Podcast · Episode 52 - Alex ArbitalJacoby

Episode 51 - Sub-Basement Cinema Student Film Screening

Transcript of Episode 51

In this episode, Leah Ingalls, a junior in PMA major, and Chris Christensen, IT Support, meet with PMA Associate Professor, Indigenous filmmaker and media artist, Jeffrey Palmer to discuss PMA’s upcoming Fall 2023 Student Film Screening.

PMA Podcast · Episode 51 - Sub-Basement Cinema Student Film Screenings

Episode 50 - The Wild Gather

Transcript of Episode 50

In this episode, Leah Ingalls, a junior in PMA major, and Chris Christensen, IT Support, discuss PMA's upcoming multi-day event THE WILD GATHER: on the floor, off the screen and through the body. We split this episode into two recording sessions. In the first part, we met with Assistant Professor Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz and assistant professor of the practice, Danielle Russo. In the second half, you'll be hearing from our student dancer, Kirah Evile.

PMA Podcast · Episode 50 - The Wild Gather

Episode 49 - Love and Information

Transcript of Episode 49

In this episode, Leah Ingalls, a junior in PMA major, and Chris Christensen, IT Support, meet with PMA Senior Lecturer Carolyn Goelzer to discuss the upcoming production of LOVE AND INFORMATION. Click HERE to learn more about LOVE AND INFORMATION.

PMA Podcast · Episode 49 - Love and Information

Episode 48 - Desdemona by Toni Morrison

Transcript of Episode 48

In this episode, Leah Ingalls, a junior in PMA major, and Chris Christensen, IT Support, meet with Associate Professor Beth F. Milles, as well as Associate Professor and Interim Chair Samantha N. Sheppard, to discuss the upcoming production of DESDEMONA. The Department of Performing and Media Arts is thrilled to present Toni Morrison's 2011 work DESDEMONA to honor the 30th anniversary of her Nobel Prize, which will include the music and performance of critically acclaimed Malian singer-songwriter Rokia Traoré.

PMA Podcast · Episode 48 - Desdemona


Episode 47 - The Ithaca Department of Arts and Futures

Transcript of Episode 47

In this episode, Leah Ingalls, a junior in PMA major, and Chris Christensen, IT Support, meet with PMA graduate students Andy Colpitts and Kelly Richmond to discuss their upcoming event "The Ithaca Department of Arts and Futures: A Coalition and Celebration for the World to Come."

PMA Podcast · Episode 47 - Ithaca Department of Arts and Futures


Episode 46 - The Family Copoli

Transcript of Episode 46

In this episode Gary and Chris meet with Andy Colpitts and Michael Wookey to discuss their production of "The Family Copoli: A post apocalyptic burlesque and re-population play"

PMA Podcast · Episode 46 - The Family Copoli


Episode 45 - Introducing PMA's new Stage Manager Sarah Bauch

Transcript of Episode 45

In this episode Gary and Chris meet with PMA's new Stage Manager Sarah Bauch, to discuss her recent arrival at Cornell, life and educational experiences that led to choosing a career in stage management, her commitment to Theatrical Intimacy Choreography, as well as her hopes and aspirations working on future productions here in the department of performing and media arts.

PMA Podcast · Ep 45 - Introducing PMA's new Stage Manager Sarah Bauch



Episode 44 - Baby Rock

Transcript of Episode 44 coming soon

In this episode, Chris and Gary meet with Cornell students Taylor Bazos, Adele Colorado, and Fannie Massarsky to talk about their work on the recent PMA production, Baby Rock.

PMA Podcast · Episode 44 - Baby Rock


Episode 43 - The Mush Hole

Transcript of Episode 43

Gary Gabisan of PMA's communications team meets with Montana Summers, Raelyn Metcalfe, and Katie Couchie from the internationally-renown indigenous Canadian dance troupe Kaha:wi Dance Theatre. Music Credit - The Orange Grove by texasradiofish (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Admiral Bob

PMA Podcast · Ep43 - The Mush Hole


Episode 41 - Keeping K-pop Accountable

Transcript of Episode 41 coming soon

In this podcast, we examine how the importance of visuals in the K-pop industry lead to the appropriation of different cultures for new brand aesthetics. We specifically look at how K-pop bands have appropriated South Asian and Middle Eastern cultures based on ideas of exoticism. Hosts: Liana Perez '21 (she/her), Nina Brinker '23' (she/her)

PMA Podcast · Episode 41 - Keeping K-pop Accountable


Episode 40 - Jason Simms

Transcript of Episode 40 coming soon

Jason Simms, Assistant Professor of Cornell's Dept. of Performing and Media Arts, discusses his first year teaching at Cornell during the COVID-19 pandemic and his socially distanced online performance space "The Bubble".

PMA Podcast · Episode 40 - Jason Simms

Episode 39 - Q&A with Stewart Thorndike

Transcript of Episode 39 coming soon

Stewart Thorndike is an award-winning filmmaker who tells feminist genre stories.

PMA Podcast · Episode 39 - Q&A with Stewart Thorndike

Episode 38—Landings: Joey Moro '12

Transcript of Episode 38

Edy Kennedy ’20 (PMA) interviews Joey Moro ’12 (Theatre Studies) about his journey out of Cornell into lighting design and studying at Yale School of Drama, and then returning to Cornell to teach.

Episode 37—Landings: Jake Gibson '17

Transcript of Episode 37

Griffin Maduzia ’20 (PMA) talks to Jake Gibson ’17 (PMA) about life as an independent filmmaker, moving to a new city with limited connections and no representation, and the process of specializing his cinematic ambitions as a young creative. 

Episode 36—Landings: Brendan Elliot '19

Transcript of Episode 36

Shoshana Swell ‘20 (PMA) interviews Brendan Elliott ’19 (Information Science) about product design and his work on creative projects. 

Episode 35—Landings: Mark Vigeant '11

Transcript of Episode 35 (coming soon)

PMA major Reed Rosenberg '20 interviews Mark Vigeant '11 (ISST) about his journey breaking into the NYC comedy scene and his audition for SNL.

Episode 34—Landings: Chris Hoff '02

Transcript of Episode 34

Ruby Que (PMA) '20 interviews Chris Hoff '02 (Classics), artist and co-founder of The World According to Sound, a 90-second podcast all about sound. In this episode, the two talk about their experiences in college and beyond, Chris's passion for sound, and where to go from here. 

Episode 33—Landings: Jason Goldberg '13

Transcript of Episode 33

Iyanah Bativala ’20 (PMA) interviews Jason Goldberg ’13 (COMM), senior manager of scripted development at MTV Studios.

Episode 32—Landings: Samantha Weisman '15

Transcript of Episode 32 

Ella Ekstrom '20 (PMA) interviews Samantha Weisman '15 (COMM) about her career in branded programming at Viacom. 

Episode 31—Landings: Julia Dunetz '19

Transcript of Episode 31

 Ilana Wallenstein '20 (PMA) interviews Julia Dunetz '19 (PMA) about her journey from undergrad student to Broadway producer. 

Episode 30—Landings: Jorge Silva '12

Transcript of Episode 30

Bryan Hagelin '20 (PMA) interviews Neo-Futurist Theatre Managing Director Jorge Silva '12 (Government & PMA) about making a career in non-profit theatre.

Episode 29—Landings: Gloria Majule ’17

Transcript of Episode 29

Madeleine Gray ’20 (PMA & English) facilitates a talk with Gloria Majule ’17 (PMA) and current Yale School of Drama playwright about her experiences as a playwright and artist.

Episode 28—Landings: A.A. Brenner '16

Transcript of Episode 28

Alex Iankoulska '19 (PMA) interviews Anna Brenner '16 (known professionally as A.A.) (PMA) about life after Cornell and her M.F.A. in Playwriting at Columbia University.

Episode 27—The Next Storm, a talk by producer Sara Warner

Transcript of Episode 27

Producer Sara Warner, Stephen H. Weiss Junior Fellow and associate professor in the Department of Performing and Media Arts, delves into the history behind the play. Learn about Living Newspapers, a mode of theatre borne from the New Deal legislation of the Great Depression; the Federal Theatre Project of the 1930s; and how those and other modes of political, community-based theatre influenced The Next Storm production team.

Episode 26—The Next Storm

Transcript of Episode 26

Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of 1956 Visiting Professor Rhodessa Jones and assistant director Allen Porterie '20 discuss The Next Storm (November 15–23, 2019), a community-based climate-change play by Civic Ensemble, Cornell's Department of Performing and Media Arts, and playwright Thomas Dunn. 

Episode 25—Festival24

Transcript of Episode 25

Milo Reynolds-Dominguez '20, producer of Festival24, walks us through the busy and thrilling 24 hours of putting on the biannual festival.

Episode 24—Landings: Olivia Krebs

Transcript of Episode 24

Olivia Krebs '15 interned in Los Angeles for two years and credits the Cornell in Hollywood program for helping her land in her current roles as an associate producer and coproducer. 

Episode 23—SPILL

Transcript of Episode 23

Dr. Sara Warner, associate professor of Performing and Media Arts (PMA), meets with Caitlin Kane, PhD student in PMA, to discuss her production of SPILL by Leigh Fondakowski (April 26–May 4, 2019).

Episode 22—An Evening at the Caffe Cino

Artist/scholar/educator/activist and PhD student Samuel N. W. Blake discusses his Black Box production of "An Evening at the Caffe Cino" (April 18–20, 2019).

Episode 21—Landings: Emily Skrutskie

Transcript of Episode 21

Emily Skrutskie graduated from Cornell University in 2015 as a PMA major with a film concentration. She's published three books of young adult fantasy fiction with a trilogy on the way. Emily speaks about arriving in Los Angeles and finding work at Framestore, a VFX company.

Episode 20—Landings: Lhani Jamison

Transcript of Episode 20

Lhani Jamison, a 2017 graduate of Cornell University, was an ILR major and she currently works at NBC. Lhani talks about her work life at NBC, how she got the job, and her experiences in the page program.

Episode 19—The Awakening of Spring

Transcript of Episode 19

Co-director, actor, and Department of Performing and Media Arts senior lecturer Carolyn Goelzer and actors Andrew Dettmer, Bryan Hagelin, and Illana Wallenstein talk about The Awakening of Spring (November 9–17, 2018), written in 1890 by German playwright Frank Wedekind.

Episode 18—Constellations

Transcript of Episode 18

Constellations (November 1–3, 2018) director Julia Dunetz '19 and cast members Reed Rosenberg '20 (Roland) and Nina Leeds '19 (Marianne) discuss the challenges and joys of staging this two-person play that explores the multiverse theory and finds Reed and Nina playing multiple versions of the same characters.

Episode 17—Fast Blood

Transcript of Episode 17

Godfrey L. Simmons Jr., senior lecturer in the Cornell Department of Performing and Media Arts and co-artistic director of Ithaca's Civic Ensemble theatre group, and four-time Emmy-award winner and playwright Judy Tate discuss Tate's Fast Blood, presented by Civic Ensemble July 5–22, 2018, at the Maggie Goldsmith amphitheater at Lehman Alternative Community School in Ithaca. Fast Blood is a story about slavery, redemption, and ending the cycle of vengeance.

Episode 16—Part 2 of Mr. Burns, a post-electric play

 Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (April 27–28 & May 4–5, 2018) assistant director Lisa Meixner McCullough '20 and cast members Edy Kennedy '20, Julia Shebek '19, and Tyler Lloyd '18 discuss the challenges and joys of being involved in this large-scale production.

Episode 15—Part 1 of Mr. Burns, a post-electric play

Transcript of Episode 15

PhD students Jayme Kilburn and Erin Stoneking, director and dramaturg of Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (April 27–28 & May 4–5, 2018) discuss how this play demonstrates the ways in which humans use stories to move on from moments of trauma and loss.

Episode 14—The Loneliness Project

Transcript of Episode 14

The Loneliness Project (April 19–21, 2018) collaborative team members Caitlin Kane, Reed Motz, and Kelli Simpkins speak about bringing their documentary play, crafted in a collaboration between Chicago LGBTQIA+ artists and community members, to Ithaca.

Episode 13—Locally Grown Dance

Locally Grown Dance (March 1–3, 2018) choreographer Nic Ceynowa and dancers Deanna Myskiw '18 and Danielle LaGrua '18 chat with host Christopher Christensen. 

Episode 12—Hamlet Wakes Up Late

Hamlet Wakes Up Late (November 10–18, 2017) adapter/director and PMA assistant professor Rebekah Maggor and cast members Vanessa Okoyeh ("Polonius") and Christopher Morales ("Fortinbras") discuss the biting political satire of Shakespeare's tragedy by renowned Syrian poet and playwright Mamduh Adwan.

Episode 11—Stacie Passon

Stacie Passon is a film director, screenwriter, and producer whose debut film Concussion premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and won the Teddy Jury Prize for LGBT themes at the Berlin Film Festival. She has directed episodes of Transparent, The Affair, The Path, The Last Tycoon and Billions. Her upcoming film is an adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s novel We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

Episode 10—Bad Jews

Transcript of Episode 10

Director Julia Dunetz and cast members Reed Rosenberg and Hannah Biener discuss Bad Jews (November 2–4, 2017), the story of three Jewish cousins who challenge one another to the inheritance of a family heirloom.

Episode 9—10-Minute Play Festival: Unbound

Transcript of Episode 9

Co-producers Sam Blake and Julia Dunetz discuss the six 10-minute plays produced, as well as some background on the festival (September 28–October 1, 2017), in its fifth year.

Episode 8—The Caucasian Chalk Circle

Transcript of Episode 8

The Caucasian Chalk Circle (September 21–23, 2017) director & PMA associate professor Beth F. Milles talks about the "play for all times," written by 20th-century German modernist poet, playwright, and theatre director Bertolt Brecht amidst the mass upheaval and disruption of World War II.

Episode 7—She Persists

PMA PhD students Jayme Kilburn and Erin Stoneking talk about Civic Ensemble's women's performance workshop She Persists (May 11–14, 2017), a devised performance using personal narratives from women-identified members of the Ithaca community. 

Episode 6—Baltimore

PMA visiting lecturer and Civic Ensemble co-artistic director Godfrey L. Simmons talks about race, politics, and how they tie into PMA & Civic Ensemble's second annual collaboration, Baltimore (April 28–May 6, 2017) by Kirsten Greenidge. 

Episode 5—Part 3 of Two Truths and Allie

In part 3, Joshua Bastian Cole, playwright and co-director, returns to the studio, this time joined by co-director Sam Blake

Episode 5—Part 2 of Two Truths and Allie

In part 2, host Chris Christensen talks with Two Truths and Allie (March 16–18, 2017) cast members Jonah Hirst, Leo Taylor, Will Wallace, Jamie Dye, and Emmett Milliken.

Episode 5—Part 1 of Two Truths and Allie

PMA PhD student Joshua Bastian Cole, playwright and co-director of Two Truths and Allie (March 16–18, 2017) discusses doppelgangers, catfishing, the boyfriend-twin phenomenon, and how those concepts and more relate to the trans play. 

Episode 4—Part 2 of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek

Transcript of Episode 4, Part 2

In the final installment of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek (March 3–11, 2017) podcasts, cast members Elana Valastro (Gin) and Jack Press (Dalton), who play mother and teenage son in Trestle, discuss the family dynamic and crushed American dreams in the Depression-era setting of the play.

Episode 4—Part 1 of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek

Transcript of Episode 4, Part 1

In this second installment of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek (March 3–11, 2017) podcasts, cast members Elise Czuchna (Pace), Irving Torres (Dray), and Sam Morrison (Chas) talk about their characters, their connections to the story, and how the Depression-era setting and themes are relevant today.

Episode 3—The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek with director Nick Fessette

PMA PhD candidate Nick Fesette, director of the Schwartz Center production of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek (March 3–11, 2017), discusses the play. 

Episode 2—Obstruction

Transcript of Episode 2

Nick Salvato, author, professor, and chair of Cornell University's Department of Performing and Media Arts, discusses his book Obstruction, about how a bout of laziness or digressive spell can actually open up paths to creativity and unexpected insights.

Episode 1—All God's Chillun Got Wings

Transcript of Episode 1

Director Godfrey L. Simmons, Jr., discusses his play All God's Chillun Got Wings (April 29–May 7, 2016) at Cornell University's Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts.

Warning: Interview includes language some listeners could find offensive. 


Podcast music: The Orange Grove by texasradiofish © 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Admiral Bob
