The Department of Performing and Media Arts (PMA) supports PMA majors and minors in the College of Arts and Sciences wishing to explore their interests in a related career field and the development of their skills through a career-related summer internship experience.
PMA Can:
- offer guidance in finding a summer internship opportunity.
- advise students regarding their career interests.
- coordinate with A&S Career Services on internships.
- offer academic credit for internships to PMA majors and minors in the College of Arts and Sciences through PMA 4952: Undergraduate Internship.
- coordinate with Cornell in Hollywood (CiH).
Finding an Internship
PMA collaborates directly with the College of Arts & Sciences Career Development Office, 172 Goldwin Smith Hall, to assist our undergraduate majors and minors in their search for summer internships. Cornell Career Services, 103 Barnes Hall, provides additional resources for students seeking to connect with internship employers on internship opportunities.
Cornell uses the platform Handshake for all job and internship opportunities.
PMA maintains a chat board for Cornell in Hollywood on CUeLINKS, a networking platform for current students and alums. Find answers, solicit advice and make connections with people in the field! Open to all current Cornell students and alums.
Credit for Your Internship
PMA offers academic credit for internships to PMA majors and minors in the College of Arts & Sciences. Student interns earn one academic credit for each 80 hours of structured and supervised work, up to two credits (credits count toward graduation). Students complete their summer internship between June and August and, in the fall semester following the internship, enroll in PMA 4952 Undergraduate Internship. Credit is awarded upon the submission and acceptance of a paper evaluating the internship experience. The Application for Academic Credit is due to PMA no later than June 1.
Funding Your Internship
Students who need summer funding to make their internship experience possible may apply for a Summer Experience Grant through the College of Arts & Sciences.
Cornell in Hollywood
Cornell in Hollywood, a program of the Cornell Club of Los Angeles, seeks to support undergraduate students’ internship experiences. They help promote opportunities for our students and encouraging employers to give the applications from Cornell students a serious look, they can provide advice on living in Los Angeles in advance of the summer, and they often host in-town networking events, career talks, and other events to provide Cornell students living in Los Angeles for the summer a community. After you have secured an internship in Los Angeles, please reach out to CiH co-chair Gaye Tomlinson at