PMA Podcast: "Mr. Burns, a post-electric play"

"Every story ends on a dark and raging river."

Tune in to a "very special" PMA podcast episode with PhD students Jayme Kilburn and Erin Stoneking, director and dramaturg of the upcoming production "Mr. Burns, a post-electric play" (April 27–28 & May 4–5). 

Here you'll find answers to these pressing questions:

  • Why does Jayme need a fake mustache?
  • How can you use pity as a motivational tool? 
  • What modes of transportation will be on stage? 
  • What would Jayme and Erin hoard in an apocalypse? 
  • What's a "mustaker?"

And you'll also hear semi-serious discussions of how this play demonstrates the ways in which humans use stories to move on from moments of trauma and loss.

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