Call for proposals: 2020–21 PMA performances & events

Call for Proposals

The Performance and Events committee wishes to invite faculty, staff, and student directors, choreographers, filmmakers, designers, writers, performers, creators, scholars, and curators to submit project proposals for next year’s Performance and Events Calendar. We are seeking to program a combination of events that will develop and enrich the artistry and learning experiences of our students, PMA department members, and wider campus communities, as well as contribute to Cornell’s ongoing commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

The theme for the 2020-2021 calendar of performance and events is FABRICATION, which aligns with Cornell’s Society for the Humanities annual theme for 2020-2021. The theme is intentionally capacious, as there are many different ways “fabrication” may manifest itself within (or around) creative works. We invite you to identify and explore the ways in which this theme may connect to your proposal. While the theme does provide an interesting lens through which to consider your proposal, it is not meant to be a requirement for proposals. It is not necessary to insert manifestations of the theme into your proposal should you find they do not already exist. Rather, it is a thematic entry point for thinking about work you are proposing.

Cornell University is a place where intercultural skills are developed and enacted among diverse campus constituencies, with community partners, and within the classroom and workplace. 

Your proposed project may include:

  • Lectures, symposia, colloquia, conferences, staged readings
  • Works-in-progress
  • Screenings and festivals
  • Works that explore the interplay of live performance and media elements
  • Works that centrally feature choreographed movement
  • Productions of classical and canonical texts from around the globe
  • Productions that foreground experimental texts and methods
  • A series or combination of these that provide a larger learning trajectory
  • Other!

Deadline for Proposals

Monday, October 21, 2019, by noon.

To submit a proposal, please follow the appropriate link: 

PMA 2020-2021 Faculty/Staff Event Proposal Form

PMA 2020-2021 Graduate Student Event Proposal Form

PMA 2020-2021 Undergraduate Student Event Proposal Form

Students will primarily be presenting work under the auspices of the Black Box Explorations Series. These projects are limited to a run time of 80 minutes. More information on Black Box Explorations.
The Faculty Advisor for the student Black Box Explorations Series is Panagiotis Angelopoulos (PA). Students are welcome to consult with him for guidance prior to submitting their proposal:

Information Session (optional)

Friday, October 18
4:30 p.m.
Schwartz Center Green Room (125) 
with Pamela Lillard, Director of Productions & Events, and Austin Bunn, Associate Professor and P&E committee chair

We thank you in advance for considering a project submission. We appreciate the talent and creative leadership you bring to PMA.

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Cast of Mr. Burns, a post-electric play ©Rachel Philipson