A Conversation with Professor Loren Kruger

Join PMA for A Conversation with Loren Kruger: “Brechtian Performance, the Glocal South, and Thoughts on Comparative Cultural Geographies,” on Thursday, September 19, at 5:00pm in Conference Room 220, Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts.

Participants will be asked to read the pre-circulated article “Brechtian Theatre and the Glocal South” (UNITAS 95.2, 2022) as a basis for the conversation. Please be in touch with Sabine Haenni, sh322@cornell.edu, to register and get a copy of the article.    

Loren Kruger is a Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago and the author of Beyond the Internationale: Revolutionary Writings of Eugène Pottier, Communard (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 2024); A Century of South African Theatre (London: Bloomsbury, 2019), Imagining the Edgy City (OUP, 2013), and  Post-Imperial Brecht (CUP, 2004; MLA Scaglione Prize 2005). 


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A Conversation with Loren Kruger