Screening of Paula Vogel's "Indecent"

When: Tuesday, November 28 at 7pm

Where: Film Forum, Schwartz Center

Join us for an HD broadcast of the Tony Award-winning play Indecent on PBS Great Performances on Tuesday, November 28 at 7pm in the Film Forum, Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts.

Written by Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist Paula Vogel (CU MA 1976; PhD 2016), Indecent follows a troupe of actors who risked their lives and careers to perform Sholem Asch’s God of Vengeance (1907), which depicts a Jewish brothel owner, his wife, and their daughter, who falls in love with a prostitute from her father’s stable. The play featured the first lesbian kiss on Broadway, and the production was raided by the vice squad on the grounds that it constituted an “indecent” work of art – hence the title of Vogel’s play, which she created in close collaboration with director Rebecca Taichman. Indecent was Vogel’s doctoral dissertation in the Cornell Department of .

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"Indecent" actresses lying on the stage